The GWT Steering Committee
The GWT Steering committee was founded in 2012 to help the GWT project become an even bigger success as an open source project.
The intention of the steering committee is to ensure that no particular individual, group or organization can gain control over the project.
The committee will lead the GWT project in major decisions by consensus and ensures that GWT can meet its goals as a truly open source project.
The steering committee consists of the following members (no particular order):
- Goktug Gokdogan, Google
- Justin Hickman, Vertispan
- Colin Alworth, Vertispan
- Christian Sadilek, RedHat
- Thomas Broyer
- Stephen Haberman, LinkedIn
- Julien Dramaix, Google
- Konstantin Solomatov, Jetbrains
- Frank Hossfeld, Nalu Solutions GmbH
Affiliations are listed for identification purposes only; steering committee members do not represent their employers or academic institutions.