A remote procedure call that returns control to the calling function immediately after making a request to the server. A callback method
will be called later to return the result (or an exception) from the server. GWT-RPC methods are always asynchronous.
code server
Development runs a code server, which listens for connections from
a browser with the developer plugin to run Java code in a real JVM.
code splitting
A compiler feature that automatically splits your compiled application into multiple fragments that are downloaded on-demand.
composite widgets
Widgets that are composed of one or more panels or widgets. Composite widgets are an easy way to extend GWT's existing widgets.
Refers to the ability to operate on multiple browser platforms (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, etc...). See the following FAQ for the
full list of browsers supported by GWT.
deferred binding
A technique used by the GWT compiler to create or select a specific implementation of a class based on a set of environment parameters. The
method GWT.create() triggers
deferred binding, allowing Java code to work with a declared Java interface. Some GWT features that use deferred
binding include static string internationalization, ImageBundle localization as well as GWT-RPC. For more details on deferred binding, check out the deferred binding chapter in the development guide.
The act of copying your GWT compiled application files and public path contents to a web server, as well as porting your servlet implementations
and configurations to a non-GWT servlet container.
developer plugin
To run development mode, the browser you use needs a special plugin that
communicates with the code server to execute Java code.
development mode
Refers to running your application in a regular browser that has the
developer plugin installed. Development mode runs your application directly
in Java so that you can use a Java IDE debugger to help test and debug your
dynamic string internationalization
Allows you to look up localized strings defined in a HTML host page at runtime using string-based keys.
A mechanism for automatically including static resources, such as CSS and images, in compiled output.
code server
The embedded development mode web server that supports development and debugging.
compile report
A report that helps you understand the details of the compiled output — which classes, packages, and methods exist in the output, and how they are distributed across fragments.
CssResource allows you to use Client bundle to process and include CSS in compiled output.
development mode
Refers to running your application under a special GWT supplied browser.
Development mode runs your application directly in Java so that you can use
a Java IDE debugger to help test and debug your application.
Google Plugin for Eclipse
An Eclipse plugin that supports development of GWT and App Engine applications.
GWT compiler
A part of the GWT toolkit that translates Java into JavaScript.
hosted mode
Prior to GWT 2.0, development mode was called hosted mode, but used
a special GWT supplied browser.
GWT developer plugin
A browser plugin that supports debugging of GWT applications in development mode.
HTML host page
An HTML page that includes a reference to a GWT `.nocache.js` in a