Interface HasDataPresenter.View<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the data type
Enclosing class:

static interface HasDataPresenter.View<T>
The view that this presenter presents.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • addHandler Link icon

      <H extends EventHandler> HandlerRegistration addHandler(H handler, GwtEvent.Type<H> type)
      Add a handler to the view.
      Type Parameters:
      H - the handler type
      handler - the handler to add
      type - the event type
    • replaceAllChildren Link icon

      void replaceAllChildren(List<T> values, SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel, boolean stealFocus)
      Replace all children with the specified values.
      values - the values of the new children
      selectionModel - the SelectionModel
      stealFocus - true if the row should steal focus, false if not
    • replaceChildren Link icon

      void replaceChildren(List<T> values, int start, SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel, boolean stealFocus)
      Replace existing elements starting at the specified index. If the number of children specified exceeds the existing number of children, the remaining children should be appended.
      values - the values of the new children
      start - the start index to be replaced, relative to the pageStart
      selectionModel - the SelectionModel
      stealFocus - true if the row should steal focus, false if not
    • resetFocus Link icon

      void resetFocus()
      Re-establish focus on an element within the view if the view already had focus.
    • setKeyboardSelected Link icon

      void setKeyboardSelected(int index, boolean selected, boolean stealFocus)
      Update an element to reflect its keyboard selected state.
      index - the index of the element relative to page start
      selected - true if selected, false if not
      stealFocus - true if the row should steal focus, false if not
    • setLoadingState Link icon

      void setLoadingState(LoadingStateChangeEvent.LoadingState state)
      Set the current loading state of the data.
      state - the loading state