Class CellList<T>
- Type Parameters:
- the data type of list items
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
A single column list of cells.
- Trivial example
public class CellListExample implements EntryPoint { /** * The list of data to display. */ private static final List<String> DAYS = Arrays.asList("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"); public void onModuleLoad() { // Create a cell to render each value. TextCell textCell = new TextCell(); // Create a CellList that uses the cell. CellList<String> cellList = new CellList<String>(textCell); cellList.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.ENABLED); // Add a selection model to handle user selection. final SingleSelectionModel<String> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<String>(); cellList.setSelectionModel(selectionModel); selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() { public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) { String selected = selectionModel.getSelectedObject(); if (selected != null) { Window.alert("You selected: " + selected); } } }); // Set the total row count. This isn't strictly necessary, but it affects // paging calculations, so its good habit to keep the row count up to date. cellList.setRowCount(DAYS.size(), true); // Push the data into the widget. cellList.setRowData(0, DAYS); // Add it to the root panel. RootPanel.get().add(cellList); } }
- Handling user input with ValueUpdater
public class CellListValueUpdaterExample implements EntryPoint { /** * The list of data to display. */ private static final List<String> DAYS = Arrays.asList("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"); public void onModuleLoad() { // Create a cell that will interact with a value updater. TextInputCell inputCell = new TextInputCell(); // Create a CellList that uses the cell. CellList<String> cellList = new CellList<String>(inputCell); // Create a value updater that will be called when the value in a cell // changes. ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater = new ValueUpdater<String>() { public void update(String newValue) { Window.alert("You typed: " + newValue); } }; // Add the value updater to the cellList. cellList.setValueUpdater(valueUpdater); // Set the total row count. This isn't strictly necessary, but it affects // paging calculations, so its good habit to keep the row count up to date. cellList.setRowCount(DAYS.size(), true); // Push the data into the widget. cellList.setRowData(0, DAYS); // Add it to the root panel. RootPanel.get().add(cellList); } }
- Pushing data with List Data Provider (backed by
) public class ListDataProviderExample implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { // Create a CellList. CellList<String> cellList = new CellList<String>(new TextCell()); // Create a list data provider. final ListDataProvider<String> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<String>(); // Add the cellList to the dataProvider. dataProvider.addDataDisplay(cellList); // Create a form to add values to the data provider. final TextBox valueBox = new TextBox(); valueBox.setText("Enter new value"); Button addButton = new Button("Add value", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // Get the value from the text box. String newValue = valueBox.getText(); // Get the underlying list from data dataProvider. List<String> list = dataProvider.getList(); // Add the value to the list. The dataProvider will update the cellList. list.add(newValue); } }); // Add the widgets to the root panel. VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.add(valueBox); vPanel.add(addButton); vPanel.add(cellList); RootPanel.get().add(vPanel); } }
- Pushing data asynchronously with Async Data Provider
public class AsyncDataProviderExample implements EntryPoint { /** * A custom {@link AsyncDataProvider}. */ private static class MyDataProvider extends AsyncDataProvider<String> { /** * {@link #onRangeChanged(HasData)} is called when the table requests a new * range of data. You can push data back to the displays using * {@link #updateRowData(int, List)}. */ @Override protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<String> display) { // Get the new range. final Range range = display.getVisibleRange(); /* * Query the data asynchronously. If you are using a database, you can * make an RPC call here. We'll use a Timer to simulate a delay. */ new Timer() { @Override public void run() { // We are creating fake data. Normally, the data will come from a // server. int start = range.getStart(); int length = range.getLength(); List<String> newData = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) { newData.add("Item " + i); } // Push the data to the displays. AsyncDataProvider will only update // displays that are within range of the data. updateRowData(start, newData); } }.schedule(3000); } } public void onModuleLoad() { // Create a CellList. CellList<String> cellList = new CellList<String>(new TextCell()); // Create a data provider. MyDataProvider dataProvider = new MyDataProvider(); // Add the cellList to the dataProvider. dataProvider.addDataDisplay(cellList); // Create paging controls. SimplePager pager = new SimplePager(); pager.setDisplay(cellList); // Add the widgets to the root panel. VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.add(pager); vPanel.add(cellList); RootPanel.get().add(vPanel); } }
- Writing a custom data provider
public class RangeChangeHandlerExample implements EntryPoint { @Override public void onModuleLoad() { // Create a CellList. final CellList<String> cellList = new CellList<String>(new TextCell()); // Add a range change handler. cellList.addRangeChangeHandler(new RangeChangeEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onRangeChange(RangeChangeEvent event) { Range range = event.getNewRange(); int start = range.getStart(); int length = range.getLength(); // Create the data to push into the view. At this point, you could send // an asynchronous RPC request to a server. List<String> data = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) { data.add("Item " + i); } // Push the data into the list. cellList.setRowData(start, data); } }); // Force the cellList to fire an initial range change event. cellList.setVisibleRangeAndClearData(new Range(0, 25), true); // Create paging controls. SimplePager pager = new SimplePager(); pager.setDisplay(cellList); // Add the widgets to the root panel. VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.add(pager); vPanel.add(cellList); RootPanel.get().add(vPanel); } }
- Using a key provider to track objects as they change
public class KeyProviderExample implements EntryPoint { /** * A simple data type that represents a contact. */ private static class Contact { private static int nextId = 0; private final int id; private String name; public Contact(String name) { nextId++; = nextId; = name; } } /** * A custom {@link Cell} used to render a {@link Contact}. */ private static class ContactCell extends AbstractCell<Contact> { @Override public void render(Context context, Contact value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { if (value != null) { sb.appendEscaped(; } } } /** * The list of data to display. */ private static final List<Contact> CONTACTS = Arrays.asList(new Contact( "John"), new Contact("Joe"), new Contact("Michael"), new Contact("Sarah"), new Contact("George")); public void onModuleLoad() { /* * Define a key provider for a Contact. We use the unique ID as the key, * which allows to maintain selection even if the name changes. */ ProvidesKey<Contact> keyProvider = new ProvidesKey<Contact>() { public Object getKey(Contact item) { // Always do a null check. return (item == null) ? null :; } }; // Create a CellList using the keyProvider. CellList<Contact> cellList = new CellList<Contact>(new ContactCell(), keyProvider); // Push data into the CellList. cellList.setRowCount(CONTACTS.size(), true); cellList.setRowData(0, CONTACTS); // Add a selection model using the same keyProvider. SelectionModel<Contact> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<Contact>( keyProvider); cellList.setSelectionModel(selectionModel); /* * Select a contact. The selectionModel will select based on the ID because * we used a keyProvider. */ Contact sarah = CONTACTS.get(3); selectionModel.setSelected(sarah, true); // Modify the name of the contact. = "Sara"; /* * Redraw the CellList. Sarah/Sara will still be selected because we * identify her by ID. If we did not use a keyProvider, Sara would not be * selected. */ cellList.redraw(); // Add the widgets to the root panel. RootPanel.get().add(cellList); } }
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic interface
A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.static interface
Styles used by this widget.(package private) static interface
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
AbstractHasData.DefaultKeyboardSelectionHandler<T>, AbstractHasData.RedrawEvent
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
UIObject.DebugIdImpl, UIObject.DebugIdImplEnabled
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionConstruct a newCellList
(Cell<T> cell, CellList.Resources resources) Construct a newCellList
with the specifiedCellList.Resources
(Cell<T> cell, CellList.Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) CellList
(Cell<T> cell, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) Construct a newCellList
with the specifiedkey provider
. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected boolean
Check whether or not the cells in the view depend on the selection state.protected void
If a widget contains one or more child widgets that are not in the logical widget hierarchy (the child is physically connected only on the DOM level), it must override this method and callWidget.onAttach()
for each of its child widgets.protected void
If a widget contains one or more child widgets that are not in the logical widget hierarchy (the child is physically connected only on the DOM level), it must override this method and callWidget.onDetach()
for each of its child widgets.protected void
(Cell.Context context, Event event, Element parent, T value) Fire an event to the cell.getCell()
Return the cell used to render each item.protected Element
(Element item) Get the parent element that wraps the cell from the list item.protected Element
Return the element that holds the rendered cells.Deprecated.Get the widget displayed when the list has no rows.protected Element
Get the element that has keyboard selection.Get the widget displayed when the data is loading.getRowElement
(int indexOnPage) Get theElement
for the specified index.protected boolean
Check if keyboard navigation is being suppressed, such as when the user is editing a cell.protected void
(Event event) Called afterAbstractHasData.onBrowserEvent(Event)
completes.protected void
Called when the loading state changes.protected void
(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start, SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) Render all row values into the specifiedSafeHtmlBuilder
.protected boolean
Reset focus on the currently focused cell.void
(SafeHtml html) of GWT 2.3, usesetEmptyListWidget(
(Widget widget) Set the widget to display when the list has no rows.protected void
(int index, boolean selected, boolean stealFocus) Update an element to reflect its keyboard selected state.void
(Widget widget) Set the widget to display when the data is loading.protected void
(Element elem, boolean selected) Deprecated.this method is never called by AbstractHasData, render the selected styles inrenderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel)
(ValueUpdater<T> valueUpdater) Set the value updater to use when cells modify items.Methods inherited from class
addCellPreviewHandler, addLoadingStateChangeHandler, addRangeChangeHandler, addRedrawHandler, addRowCountChangeHandler, addValueChangeHandler, adopt, cellConsumesEventType, checkRowBounds, convertToElements, convertToElements, doAttach, doDetach, getAccessKey, getChildElement, getDisplayedItem, getDisplayedItems, getKeyboardPagingPolicy, getKeyboardSelectedRow, getKeyboardSelectionPolicy, getKeyProvider, getPageSize, getPageStart, getPresenter, getRowContainer, getRowCount, getSelectionModel, getTabIndex, getValueKey, getVisibleItem, getVisibleItemCount, getVisibleItems, getVisibleRange, isRowCountExact, isRowWithinBounds, onBlur, onBrowserEvent, onFocus, onUnload, redraw, redrawRow, replaceAllChildren, replaceAllChildren, replaceChildren, replaceChildren, setAccessKey, setFocus, setFocusable, setKeyboardPagingPolicy, setKeyboardSelectedRow, setKeyboardSelectedRow, setKeyboardSelectionHandler, setKeyboardSelectionPolicy, setPageSize, setPageStart, setRowCount, setRowCount, setRowData, setRowData, setSelectionModel, setSelectionModel, setTabIndex, setVisibleRange, setVisibleRange, setVisibleRangeAndClearData, showOrHide
Methods inherited from class
claimElement, getWidget, initializeClaimedElement, initWidget, isAttached, onAttach, onDetach, render, render, resolvePotentialElement, setWidget
Methods inherited from class
addAttachHandler, addBitlessDomHandler, addDomHandler, addHandler, asWidget, asWidgetOrNull, createHandlerManager, delegateEvent, fireEvent, getHandlerCount, getLayoutData, getParent, isOrWasAttached, onLoad, removeFromParent, setLayoutData, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents
Methods inherited from class
addStyleDependentName, addStyleName, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getElement, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getStyleElement, getStyleName, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getStylePrimaryName, getTitle, isVisible, isVisible, onEnsureDebugId, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, setElement, setElement, setHeight, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleDependentName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStylePrimaryName, setStylePrimaryName, setTitle, setVisible, setVisible, setWidth, sinkBitlessEvent, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
Constructor Details
Construct a newCellList
.- Parameters:
- the cell used to render each item
Construct a newCellList
with the specifiedCellList.Resources
.- Parameters:
- the cell used to render each itemresources
- the resources used for this widget
Construct a newCellList
with the specifiedkey provider
.- Parameters:
- the cell used to render each itemkeyProvider
- an instance of ProvidesKey, or null if the record object should act as its own key
- Parameters:
- the cell used to render each itemresources
- the resources used for this widgetkeyProvider
- an instance of ProvidesKey, or null if the record object should act as its own key
Method Details
getEmptyListMessage of GWT 2.3, usegetEmptyListWidget()
insteadGet the message that is displayed when there is no data.- Returns:
- the empty message
- See Also:
Get the widget displayed when the list has no rows.- Returns:
- the empty list widget
Get the widget displayed when the data is loading.- Returns:
- the loading indicator
Get theElement
for the specified index. If the element has not been created, null is returned.- Parameters:
- the index on the page- Returns:
- the element, or null if it doesn't exists
- Throws:
- if the index is outside of the current page
Set the widget to display when the list has no rows.- Parameters:
- the empty data widget
Set the widget to display when the data is loading.- Parameters:
- the loading indicator
Set the value updater to use when cells modify items.- Parameters:
- theValueUpdater
protected boolean dependsOnSelection()Description copied from class:AbstractHasData
Check whether or not the cells in the view depend on the selection state.- Specified by:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Returns:
- true if cells depend on selection, false if not
protected void doAttachChildren()Description copied from class:Widget
If a widget contains one or more child widgets that are not in the logical widget hierarchy (the child is physically connected only on the DOM level), it must override this method and callWidget.onAttach()
for each of its child widgets.- Overrides:
in classWidget
- See Also:
protected void doDetachChildren()Description copied from class:Widget
If a widget contains one or more child widgets that are not in the logical widget hierarchy (the child is physically connected only on the DOM level), it must override this method and callWidget.onDetach()
for each of its child widgets.- Overrides:
in classWidget
- See Also:
Fire an event to the cell.- Parameters:
- theCell.Context
of the cellevent
- the event that was firedparent
- the parent of the cellvalue
- the value of the cell
Return the cell used to render each item. -
Get the parent element that wraps the cell from the list item. Override this method if you add structure to the element.- Parameters:
- the row element that wraps the list item- Returns:
- the parent element of the cell
Description copied from class:AbstractHasData
Return the element that holds the rendered cells.- Specified by:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Returns:
- the container
Description copied from class:AbstractHasData
Get the element that has keyboard selection.- Specified by:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Returns:
- the keyboard selected element
Description copied from class:AbstractHasData
Called afterAbstractHasData.onBrowserEvent(Event)
completes.- Overrides:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Parameters:
- the event that was fired
Called when the loading state changes.- Overrides:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Parameters:
- the new loading state
protected boolean resetFocusOnCell()Description copied from class:AbstractHasData
Reset focus on the currently focused cell.- Specified by:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Returns:
- true if focus is taken, false if not
protected void setKeyboardSelected(int index, boolean selected, boolean stealFocus) Description copied from class:AbstractHasData
Update an element to reflect its keyboard selected state.- Specified by:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Parameters:
- the index of the elementselected
- true if selected, false if notstealFocus
- true if the row should steal focus, false if not
Deprecated.this method is never called by AbstractHasData, render the selected styles inrenderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel)
Description copied from class:AbstractHasData
Update an element to reflect its selected state.- Overrides:
in classAbstractHasData<T>
- Parameters:
- the element to updateselected
- true if selected, false if not