Class ActionCell<C>

Type Parameters:
C - the type that this Cell represents
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ActionCell<C> extends AbstractCell<C>
A cell that renders a button and takes a delegate to perform actions on mouseUp.
  • Constructor Details

    • ActionCell

      public ActionCell(SafeHtml message, ActionCell.Delegate<C> delegate)
      Construct a new ActionCell.
      message - the message to display on the button
      delegate - the delegate that will handle events
    • ActionCell

      public ActionCell(String text, ActionCell.Delegate<C> delegate)
      Construct a new ActionCell with a text String that does not contain HTML markup.
      text - the text to display on the button
      delegate - the delegate that will handle events
  • Method Details

    • onBrowserEvent

      public void onBrowserEvent(Cell.Context context, Element parent, C value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<C> valueUpdater)
      Description copied from class: AbstractCell
      Handle a browser event that took place within the cell. The default implementation returns null.

      If you override this method to add support for events, remember to pass the event types that the cell expects into the constructor.

      Specified by:
      onBrowserEvent in interface Cell<C>
      onBrowserEvent in class AbstractCell<C>
      context - the Cell.Context of the cell
      parent - the parent Element
      value - the value associated with the cell
      event - the native browser event
      valueUpdater - a ValueUpdater, or null if not specified
    • render

      public void render(Cell.Context context, C value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
      Description copied from interface: Cell
      Render a cell as HTML into a SafeHtmlBuilder, suitable for passing to Element.setInnerHTML(String) on a container element.

      Note: If your cell contains natively focusable elements, such as buttons or input elements, be sure to set the tabIndex to -1 so that they do not steal focus away from the containing widget.

      Specified by:
      render in interface Cell<C>
      Specified by:
      render in class AbstractCell<C>
      context - the Cell.Context of the cell
      value - the cell value to be rendered
      sb - the SafeHtmlBuilder to be written to
    • onEnterKeyDown

      protected void onEnterKeyDown(Cell.Context context, Element parent, C value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<C> valueUpdater)
      Description copied from class: AbstractCell
      Called when the user triggers a keydown event with the ENTER key while focused on the cell. If your cell interacts with the user, you should override this method to provide a consistent user experience. Your widget must consume keydown events for this method to be called.
      onEnterKeyDown in class AbstractCell<C>
      context - the Cell.Context of the cell
      parent - the parent Element
      value - the value associated with the cell
      event - the native browser event
      valueUpdater - a ValueUpdater, or null if not specified