Class IncompatibleRemoteServiceException

All Implemented Interfaces:
IsSerializable, Serializable

public final class IncompatibleRemoteServiceException extends RuntimeException implements IsSerializable
Exception that will be passed to the AsyncCallback.onFailure(Throwable) method when an incompatibility is detected between a RemoteService client and its corresponding RemoteService server.

The correct response to receiving an instance of this exception in the AsyncCallback.onFailure(Throwable) method is to get the application into a state where a browser refresh can be done.

This exception can be caused by the following problems:

  • The requested RemoteService cannot be located via Class.forName(String) on the server.
  • The requested RemoteService interface is not implemented by the RemoteServiceServlet instance which is configured to process the request.
  • The requested service method is not defined or inherited by the requested RemoteService interface.
  • One of the types used in the RemoteService method invocation has had fields added or removed.
  • The client code receives a type from the server which it cannot deserialize.

Note that on the client, the Throwable.getCause() always return null.

See Also: