Class GWTTestCase

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class GWTTestCase extends junit.framework.TestCase
Acts as a bridge between the JUnit environment and the GWT environment. We hook the run method and stash the TestResult object for later communication between the test runner and the unit test shell that drives the test case inside a hosted browser.

There are two versions of this class. This version is the binary version that derives from JUnit's TestCase and handles all the work of starting up the GWT environment. The other version is a translatable class that is used within the browser. See the translatable subpackage for the translatable implementation.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    Information about a synthetic module used for testing.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Records all live GWTTestCases by synthetic module name so we can optimize run they are compiled and run.
    protected junit.framework.TestResult
    Object that collects the results of this test case execution.
  • Constructor Summary

    A new instance of your subclass is constructed for each test method that is to be run.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Determines whether or not exceptions will be caught by the test fixture.
    protected final void
    delayTestFinish(int timeoutMillis)
    Put the current test in asynchronous mode.
    protected final void
    Cause this test to succeed during asynchronous mode.
    static String[]
    Get the names of all test modules.
    static int
    Get the number of modules.
    abstract String
    Specifies a module to use when running this test case.
    Get the JUnitShell.Strategy to use when compiling and running this test.
    final String
    Get the synthetic module name, which includes the synthetic extension defined by the JUnitShell.Strategy.
    getTestsForModule(String syntheticModuleName)
    Get the set of all JUnitHost.TestInfo for the specified module.
    protected void
    A replacement for JUnit's setUp() method.
    protected void
    A replacement for JUnit's tearDown() method.
    Returns whether this test case should be run in pure Java mode (non-GWT).
    protected void
    Reports an exception that might have escaped to the browser.
    final void
    run(junit.framework.TestResult result)
    Stashes result so that it can be accessed during runTest().
    protected void
    Runs the test via the JUnitShell environment.
    setForcePureJava(boolean forcePureJava)
    Specifies whether this test case should be always run in pure Java mode (non-GWT).
    protected final void
    This method has been made final to prevent you from accidentally running client code outside of the GWT environment.
    protected final void
    This method has been made final to prevent you from accidentally running client code outside of the GWT environment.

    Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase

    countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, runBare, toString

    Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert

    assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame, format

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final Map<String,GWTTestCase.TestModuleInfo> ALL_GWT_TESTS
      Records all live GWTTestCases by synthetic module name so we can optimize run they are compiled and run. Ordered so that we can precompile the modules in the order that they will run.
    • testResult

      protected junit.framework.TestResult testResult
      Object that collects the results of this test case execution.
  • Constructor Details

    • GWTTestCase

      public GWTTestCase()
      A new instance of your subclass is constructed for each test method that is to be run. You should avoid running code in your subclass constructor, initializer blocks, and field initializations, because if those code blocks must be runnable outside of the GWT environment. As an example of what could go wrong if you run code there, trying to run a JSNI method could generate an UnsatisfiedLinkError, and trying to call GWT.create(Class) could throw an UnsupportedOperationException. Instead, override gwtSetUp() and perform any initialization code there.
  • Method Details

    • getAllTestModuleNames

      public static String[] getAllTestModuleNames()
      Get the names of all test modules.
      all test module names
    • getModuleCount

      public static int getModuleCount()
      Get the number of modules.
      the module count.
    • getTestsForModule

      public static GWTTestCase.TestModuleInfo getTestsForModule(String syntheticModuleName)
      Get the set of all JUnitHost.TestInfo for the specified module.
      syntheticModuleName - the synthetic module name
      all tests for the module
    • catchExceptions

      public boolean catchExceptions()
      Determines whether or not exceptions will be caught by the test fixture. Override this method and return false to let exceptions escape to the browser. This will break the normal JUnit reporting functionality, but can be useful in Production Mode with a JavaScript debugger to pin down where exceptions are originating.
      true for normal JUnit behavior, or false to disable normal JUnit exception reporting
    • getModuleName

      public abstract String getModuleName()
      Specifies a module to use when running this test case. Subclasses must return the name of a module that will cause the source for that subclass to be included.
      the fully qualified name of a module, or null to run as a pure Java (non-GWT) test case (same effect as passing true to setForcePureJava(boolean))
      See Also:
    • getStrategy

      public getStrategy()
      Get the JUnitShell.Strategy to use when compiling and running this test.
      the test JUnitShell.Strategy
    • getSyntheticModuleName

      public final String getSyntheticModuleName()
      Get the synthetic module name, which includes the synthetic extension defined by the JUnitShell.Strategy.
      the synthetic module name, or null if this test case is run in pure Java mode (non-GWT)
      See Also:
    • isPureJava

      public boolean isPureJava()
      Returns whether this test case should be run in pure Java mode (non-GWT). Returns true if and only if getModuleName() returns null, or setForcePureJava(boolean) was last invoked with true.
    • run

      public final void run(junit.framework.TestResult result)
      Stashes result so that it can be accessed during runTest().
      Specified by:
      run in interface junit.framework.Test
      run in class junit.framework.TestCase
    • setForcePureJava

      public void setForcePureJava(boolean forcePureJava)
      Specifies whether this test case should be always run in pure Java mode (non-GWT). Passing true has the same effect as returning null in getModuleName(). The setting is false by default.
      forcePureJava - true to always run this test case in pure Java mode (non-GWT); false to run this test case in GWT mode if getModuleName() does not return null
      See Also:
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      setName in class junit.framework.TestCase
    • delayTestFinish

      protected final void delayTestFinish(int timeoutMillis)
      Put the current test in asynchronous mode. If the test method completes normally, this test will not immediately succeed. Instead, a delay period begins. During the delay period, the test system will wait for one of three things to happen:
      1. If finishTest() is called before the delay period expires, the test will succeed.
      2. If any exception escapes from an event handler during the delay period, the test will error with the thrown exception.
      3. If the delay period expires and neither of the above has happened, the test will error with a TimeoutException.

      This method is typically used to test event driven functionality.


      public void testTimer() {
        // Set a delay period significantly longer than the
        // event is expected to take.
        // Setup an asynchronous event handler.
        Timer timer = new Timer() {
          public void run() {
            // do some validation logic
            // tell the test system the test is now done
        // Schedule the event and return control to the test system.

      timeoutMillis - how long to wait before the current test will time out
      UnsupportedOperationException - if
      invalid reference
      is false
      See Also:
      Subsequent calls to this method reset the timeout.
    • finishTest

      protected final void finishTest()
      Cause this test to succeed during asynchronous mode. After calling delayTestFinish(int), call this method during the delay period to cause this test to succeed. This method is typically called from an event handler some time after the test method returns control to the caller.

      Calling this method before the test method completes, will undo the effect of having called delayTestFinish(). The test will revert to normal, non-asynchronous mode.


      public void testTimer() {
        // Set a delay period significantly longer than the
        // event is expected to take.
        // Setup an asynchronous event handler.
        Timer timer = new Timer() {
          public void run() {
            // do some validation logic
            // tell the test system the test is now done
        // Schedule the event and return control to the test system.

      IllegalStateException - if this test is not in asynchronous mode
      UnsupportedOperationException - if
      invalid reference
      is false
      See Also:
    • reportUncaughtException

      protected void reportUncaughtException(Throwable ex)
      Reports an exception that might have escaped to the browser.

      This method is called by the test framework to report uncaught exceptions. The default implementation causes the test case to be reported as 'failed'. However in some rare situations where an uncaught exception is expected, a test case may choose to alter the behavior by overriding it:

       class SomeTestCase extends GWTTestCase {
         class ExpectedTestException extends Exception {}
         protected void reportUncaughtException(Throwable t) {
           // Ignore exceptions that are expected to be thrown by our test cases:
           if (t instanceof ExpectedTestException) {
      Note that this method will not cause the test case to fail immediately if the main test body is still executing. In that case, test will fail after the main body returns with the reported exception. If the test has already finished (fail or success) before this method is called, the reported exception is currently ignored, but this may result in an error in a future version of GWT.
      See Also:
    • gwtSetUp

      protected void gwtSetUp() throws Exception
      A replacement for JUnit's setUp() method. This method runs once per test method in your subclass, just before your each test method runs and can be used to perform initialization. Override this method instead of setUp(). This method is run even in pure Java mode (non-GWT).
      See Also:
    • gwtTearDown

      protected void gwtTearDown() throws Exception
      A replacement for JUnit's tearDown() method. This method runs once per test method in your subclass, just after your each test method runs and can be used to perform cleanup. Override this method instead of tearDown(). This method is run even in pure Java mode (non-GWT).
      See Also:
    • runTest

      protected void runTest() throws Throwable
      Runs the test via the JUnitShell environment. Do not override or call this method.
      runTest in class junit.framework.TestCase
    • setUp

      protected final void setUp() throws Exception
      This method has been made final to prevent you from accidentally running client code outside of the GWT environment. Please override gwtSetUp() instead.
      setUp in class junit.framework.TestCase
    • tearDown

      protected final void tearDown() throws Exception
      This method has been made final to prevent you from accidentally running client code outside of the GWT environment. Please override gwtTearDown() instead.
      tearDown in class junit.framework.TestCase