Adapters for the bean editor framework.
- Since:
- GWT 2.1
ClassesClassDescriptionEditorSource<E extends Editor<?>>An entity capable of creating and destroying instances of Editors.Adapts the HasData interface to the Editor framework.ListEditor<T,
E extends Editor<? super T>> Manages a list of objects and their associated Editors.ListEditorWrapper<T,E extends Editor<? super T>> Synchronizes a list of objects and a list of Editors.OptionalFieldEditor<T,E extends Editor<? super T>> This adapter can be used when a type being edited has an optional field that may be nullified or reassigned as part of the editing process.SimpleEditor<T>A trivial implementation of LeafValueEditor than can be used for "hidden" properties when composing UI-based Editors.Adapts theTakesValue
interface to the Editor framework.