Class HtmlTableColBuilder
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class HtmlTableColBuilder
extends HtmlElementBuilderBase<TableColBuilder>
implements TableColBuilder
HTML-based implementation of
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHorizontal alignment of cell data in column.Alignment character for cells in a column.Offset of alignment character.span
(int span) Indicates the number of columns in a group or affected by a grouping.Vertical alignment of cell data in column.Default column width.Methods inherited from class
asSafeHtml, attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, endTitle, id, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTitle, startTR, startUList, startVideo, tabIndex, title, trustedAttribute, trustedAttribute, trustedStart
Methods inherited from class
end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, getReturnBuilder, html, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, style, text
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, html, id, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTR, startUList, startVideo, style, tabIndex, text, title, trustedStart
Constructor Details
Method Details
Description copied from interface:TableColBuilder
Horizontal alignment of cell data in column.- Specified by:
in interfaceTableColBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:TableColBuilder
Alignment character for cells in a column.- Specified by:
in interfaceTableColBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:TableColBuilder
Offset of alignment character.- Specified by:
in interfaceTableColBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:TableColBuilder
Indicates the number of columns in a group or affected by a grouping.- Specified by:
in interfaceTableColBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:TableColBuilder
Vertical alignment of cell data in column.- Specified by:
in interfaceTableColBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:TableColBuilder
Default column width.- Specified by:
in interfaceTableColBuilder
- See Also: