Class HtmlFrameSetBuilder
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class HtmlFrameSetBuilder
extends HtmlElementBuilderBase<FrameSetBuilder>
implements FrameSetBuilder
HTML-based implementation of
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionThe number of columns of frames in the frameset.Append html within the node.The number of rows of frames in the frameset.Append text within the node.Methods inherited from class
asSafeHtml, attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, endTitle, id, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTitle, startTR, startUList, startVideo, tabIndex, title, trustedAttribute, trustedAttribute, trustedStart
Methods inherited from class
end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, getReturnBuilder, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, style
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
attribute, attribute, className, dir, draggable, end, end, endAnchor, endArea, endAudio, endBase, endBlockQuote, endBody, endBR, endButton, endCanvas, endCol, endColGroup, endDiv, endDList, endFieldSet, endForm, endFrame, endFrameSet, endH1, endH2, endH3, endH4, endH5, endH6, endHead, endHR, endIFrame, endImage, endInput, endLabel, endLegend, endLI, endLink, endMap, endMeta, endOList, endOptGroup, endOption, endParagraph, endParam, endPre, endQuote, endScript, endSelect, endSource, endSpan, endStyle, endTable, endTableCaption, endTBody, endTD, endTextArea, endTFoot, endTH, endTHead, endTR, endUList, endVideo, finish, getDepth, id, isChildElementSupported, isEndTagForbidden, lang, startAnchor, startArea, startAudio, startBase, startBlockQuote, startBody, startBR, startButtonInput, startCanvas, startCheckboxInput, startCol, startColGroup, startDiv, startDList, startFieldSet, startFileInput, startForm, startFrame, startFrameSet, startH1, startH2, startH3, startH4, startH5, startH6, startHead, startHiddenInput, startHR, startIFrame, startImage, startImageInput, startLabel, startLegend, startLI, startLink, startMap, startMeta, startOList, startOptGroup, startOption, startParagraph, startParam, startPasswordInput, startPre, startPushButton, startQuote, startRadioInput, startResetButton, startResetInput, startScript, startSelect, startSource, startSpan, startStyle, startSubmitButton, startSubmitInput, startTable, startTableCaption, startTBody, startTD, startTextArea, startTextInput, startTFoot, startTH, startTHead, startTR, startUList, startVideo, style, tabIndex, title, trustedStart
Constructor Details
Method Details
Description copied from interface:FrameSetBuilder
The number of columns of frames in the frameset.- Specified by:
in interfaceFrameSetBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:FrameSetBuilder
The number of rows of frames in the frameset.- Specified by:
in interfaceFrameSetBuilder
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:ElementBuilderBase
Append text within the node.Once you append text to the element, you can no longer set attributes.
A string-based implementation will escape the text to prevent HTML/javascript code from executing. DOM based implementations are not required to escape the text if they directly set the innerText of an element.
- Specified by:
in interfaceElementBuilderBase<FrameSetBuilder>
- Overrides:
in classAbstractElementBuilderBase<FrameSetBuilder>
- Parameters:
- the text to append- Returns:
- this builder