Uses of Package
Packages that use
Classes in used by type that represents the alertdialog role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the alert role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the application role in the ARIA specification.Interface that is and needs to be implemented by ALL non primitive attribute typesA type that represents the article role in the ARIA specification.Class representing ARIA state/property attribute.Property enum for 'aria-autocomplete' values.A type that represents the banner role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the button role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the checkbox role in the ARIA specification.State enum for 'aria-checked' values.A type that represents the columnheader role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the combobox role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the command role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the complementary role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the composite role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the contentinfo role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the definition role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the dialog role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the directory role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the document role in the ARIA specification.Property enum for 'aria-dropeffect' values.State enum for 'aria-expanded' values.A type that represents the form role in the ARIA specification.State enum for 'aria-grabbed' values.A type that represents the gridcell role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the grid role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the group role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the heading role in the ARIA specification.Id reference attribute typeA type that represents the img role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the input role in the ARIA specification.State enum for 'aria-invalid' values.A type that represents the landmark role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the link role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the listbox role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the listitem role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the list role in the ARIA specification.Property enum for 'aria-live' values.A type that represents the log role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the main role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the marquee role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the math role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the menubar role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the menuitemcheckbox role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the menuitemradio role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the menuitem role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the menu role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the navigation role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the note role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the option role in the ARIA specification.Property enum for 'aria-orientation' values.A type that represents the presentation role in the ARIA specification.State enum for 'aria-pressed' values.A type that represents the progressbar role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the radiogroup role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the radio role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the range role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the region role in the ARIA specification.Property enum for 'aria-relevant' values.A generic ARIA Role.The base class for implementing a Role.A type that represents the rowgroup role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the rowheader role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the row role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the scrollbar role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the search role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the sectionhead role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the section role in the ARIA specification.State enum for 'aria-selected' values.A type that represents the select role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the separator role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the slider role in the ARIA specification.Property enum for 'aria-sort' values.A type that represents the spinbutton role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the status role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the structure role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the tablist role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the tabpanel role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the tab role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the textbox role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the timer role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the toolbar role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the tooltip role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the treegrid role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the treeitem role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the tree role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the widget role in the ARIA specification.A type that represents the window role in the ARIA specification.